The Little Prince

1 jugador
  1. Quem escreveu o livro?
    • Antonie de Saint French
    • Alexandre de Dumas Saint
    • Antonie de Saint Exupéry
    • Alexandre Exeupery
  2. Quais personagens principais?
    • The little prince, bailarín,Fox, lamb, box.
    • The little prince, Fox, Pilot, lamb, box.
    • The little Prince, Fox, Wolf, Man and a box.
    • The little prince, Lampada, Genie, Fox and a box
  3. Qual assunto principal do livro?
    • A boy who decides to know a planet that lives different little monsters.
    • A fox on Earth and decides to know the moon.
    • A boy who lives on a planet travels for a while until he reaches Earth.
    • A child who turns into a prince of a planet and runs it.
  4. O narrador é personagem?
    • No, history is in the 3 person.
    • Yes, history is in the 3 person.
    • Yes, history is in one person.
    • No, history is in one person.
  5. Como a raposa interpretava a amizade?
    • Friends must captivate each other and awaken in the other the need for their presence.
    • Friends must argue with each other and want to stay away from each other.
    • Friends should discuss each other and awaken in the other the need for their presence.
    • Friends must always be together walking and playing.
  6. Segundo a raposa, o que é preciso para cativar um amigo?
    • Be patient and educated with the family.
    • Be patient, be present in the life of the friend.
    • Be polite and present in the friend's house.
    • Be polite and call the friend to play.
  7. Como o príncipe reagiu diante das explicações e dos ensinamentos da raposa?
    • He expressed patience to know what she thought.
    • He expressed disinterest and asked questions about what she thought.
    • He expressed disinterest and asking questions about the Fox friends.
    • He expressed curiosity and asking questions about the ideas of the fox.
Questions about the book.
  • Creado 20/02/2019
  • Publicado 20/02/2019
  • Modificado 20/02/2019
  • Dificultad Fácil
  • Preguntas 7
  • Tema Literatura, Arte

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  • naranja
  • Azul
  • Light
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