Thanksgiving tradition 2021
por Karma Kirikou
15 cuestiones
1. Which country do thanksgiving in the 4th thursday in november ?
a America
b Canada
c Englend
d Korea
2. Where is the parade ?
a Alegerien
b New York
c Combonge
d Japan
3. Where go the turkey after the president pardon them?
a 5 star hotel
b Farm
c Carnaval
d Universtiy
4. Where does the president of USA pardon the turkey?
a In front of the white house
b In his own house
c In the parade
d In France
5. Why does the prisdent pardon 2 turkey not just 1 ?
a In case if the first turkey hapend something to him
b Because he want to
c In case if the other run away
d To not kill all the turkey
6. What they eat in the day of thanksgiving day ?
a Tuekey
b Cookies
c Pumpking pie
d Fastfood
7. How many peopel watch football in this day ?
a 85million
b 20mille
c 1000
d 78
8. What the emoition the peopel feel the day ?
a They feel gratefull
b They feel happyness
c They feel fearfull
d The feel sadness
9. Who celebrates thanksgiving in october ?
a Canada
b America
c Englend
d Spain
10. Why the americans rush in the Black Friday ?
a To shops
b To a party
c Just for fun
d Because it's a day off
11. What is a Black Friday ?
a A day off
b A vacation
c Holly pank day
d A normal day
12. What does thanksgiving mean for them ?
a A day to say thank you
b A day to eat
c A spacial day
d Just a cultur
13. What we see at parade ?
a The famous anime character
b Fire works
c Some chef cooking
d Childe play around
14. With what the peopel help the poor one ?
a By clothes and food
b Give theme money
c They don't help anyone
d Do some massage
15. What is the season of Thanksgiving on American?
a Autumn
b Winter
c Summer
d Spring