Someone like you de Adèle
Chanson "Someone like you" avec des trous pour voir si vous connaissez bien la chanson.
por lolo-du-60
13 cuestiones
1. I....that you're settled down:
a Blue
b Hate
c Things
d Heard
2. That you fond a... and you're married now:
a Heard
b Best
c Girl
d Love
3. I heard that your ... came true:
a Dreams
b Found
c Settled
d Someone
4. Guess she gave you... I didn't give to you:
a Fight
b Things
c Face
d Forget
5. Old... why are you so shy? Ain't like you to hold back:
a Friend
b Someone
c Heard
d Girl
6. Or hide from the light I ...
a Blue
b Best
c Face
d Hate
7. To turn up out of the ... uninvited:
a Fight
b Love
c Blue
d Best
8. But I couldn't stay away I couldn't
a Fight
b Face
c Friend
d Hate
9. I hoped you'd see my ... and that you'd be reminded that for me:
a Face
b Best
c Fight
d Light
10. It isn't over never mind l'll find you:
a Forget
b Best
c Someone
d Love
11. I wish nothing but the ... for you two:
a Light
b Love
c Face
d Best
12. Don't ... me I beg I remember you said
a Forget
b Fight
c Love
d Face
13. Sometimes it love but sometimes it hurts instead/
a Fight
b Love
c Yeah
d Lasts