Traditions about Thanksgiving 2
The real story about Thanksgiving and Traditions. Watch out! Questions can be hard!
por lolahtz
10 cuestiones
1. How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?
a One day
b Five days
c Three days
d One week
2. Who was the first president to make Thanksgiving a national holiday?
a Washington
b Roosevelt
c Jefferson
d Lincoln
3. When do Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving?
a In November
b In October
c In September
d In December
4. Which country celebrates Thanksgiving?
a England
b Austalia
c Austria
d Canada
5. How much there was survivors of ship called 'Mayflower'?
a 67 survivors
b 82 survivors
c 57 survivors
d 18 survivors
6. From which city did the Maflower depart?
a Plymouth
b Parmouth
c Southampton
d Portland
7. How many people were there on ship?
a 102
b 92
c 82
d 122
8. Do you know what adult male turkeys are called?
a Goose
b Toms
c Roosters
d Leghorns
9. What food was probably not on the Pilgrim's menu?
a Corn
b Turkey
c Potatoes
d Pumpkin pie
10. How many day did it take for the Mayflower to reach the New World?
a 66
b 56
c 96
d 106